Kill Strain is out tomorrow on PS4

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Forfatter: Mark Sanchez
Oprettelsesdato: 5 Januar 2021
Opdateringsdato: 23 Januar 2025
Kill Strain – Видеобрифинг | Только на PS4
Video.: Kill Strain – Видеобрифинг | Только на PS4

Kill Strain will be released for PS4 tomorrow, July 19th. It's a new top-down, twin-stick competitive shooter from San Diego Studios, the makers of MLB The Show.

The basic idea of the game is that three teams, two teams of five and one team of two, fight for control of areas. The two teams of 5 play as human mercenaries, and the one team of 2 will play as the mutants. There are ten different and unique human characters and three different mutants. The mutants also have the ability to change humans into mutants once the mutants special meter has filled up.

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